Wood Industry Cluster of Albania -Tirana (WICA) is a non-profit NGO , whose primary goal is improving companies’ competitiveness, thus registering world trends and changes in the global market, as well as adjusting the participants’ own production to such trends and changes.
The creation of WICA was financially supported by GIZ Albania in the framework of the Project: Open Regional Fund South East Europe – Foreign Trade Promotion (ORF FT) – More effective industry policy according to Chapter 20 of the EU Acquits and the Assignment: Support to the creation of a Cluster Model for Wood Processing Industry in Albania. The project aim was to improve the competitiveness and policy coherence in the SEE region and contribute to further harmonization of the IP in the SEE with EU. Other important partners that supported the creation of WICA were the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance and Economy , Albanian Investment Development Agency and Agriculture University of Albania. We are in continous callaboration with these institutions.
There are 12 companies that have joined the cluster so far and we are expecting
to increase the membership by 50% in the coming year 2020.
WICA is carring out the following strategic activites
- Attracting FDI’s in area of the wood industry production and promotion of possibilities for the development of its own final products;
- Supporting export-oriented activities of producers;
- Improvement of productivity, efficiency and managerial skills;
- Image improvement of Albanian export products;
- Search for new opportunities in world markets;
- Promotion of successful producers